About Us


Consider the Image is committed to supporting the creation of timeless images through a platform for like-minded artists, who respect and celebrate models of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities in commercial and editorial imagery. This includes photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, agencies, art directors, and studios. We connect them to ensure responsible practices throughout the image-making process, influencing fine art, media, and advertising on an international scale.

We believe in the diversity of bodies and are responsible concerning a model’s shape, skin color, and age. We celebrate the best things in fashion—beauty, creativity, innovation—and avoid dulling them with extreme alterations. We know that image-makers tell compelling stories, and we strive to maintain what’s interesting about a model, a product, or a photo. We work with empathy, intersectionality, and a global perspective. We’re transparent in what we do, and how we talk about it.

Consider the Image is a project of Feather Creative, a women-owned post-production studio in New York. It was born from countless conversations with clients, discussing the changing style of retouching, increased collaboration between the creatives and their post-production studio, the shifting tides in fashion photography, and the powerful role of women in the field.

Feather Creative was founded seven years ago in New York—by way of San Francisco and Dubai—by Linn Edwards and Salma Khalil.

In 2016, we joined entrepreneur Sarah Krasley as founding members and advisors of the Retouchers Accord, a social impact project that we have rolled into the mission of Consider the Image. We’re thrilled to carry the torch of standardizing mindful, inclusive, female-focused image making.